Thy word have I hid in mine heart, that I might not sin against thee. . . . For ever, O Lord, thy word is settled in heaven. . . . Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path. . . . Great peace have they which love thy law: and nothing shall offend them.
Psalm 119:11, 89, 105, 165, KJV
Many see in the Ten Commandments a list of rules that are repressive, but God gave them for our benefit! If we make these principles a part of our lives, they will protect us from the inclinations of sinful tendencies and desires.
On the second table of stone are six principles that, if followed universally, would give peace and contentment to all mankind. The first four commandments showed us how to have peace with God by a loving relationship with our Creator. Now the last six commandments of the Decalogue show us the relationship we should have with one another. Jesus summarized the second table of the Law when He said, "Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself." Mark 12:31, KJV.
As we consider these precepts, we will better understand God's love for us, as well as His desire that we experience happiness and fulfillment. God's knows that the keeping of these commandments by all would ensure the greatest protection and foster respect and love.
When we understand that God has given us the commandments for our best good, we realize more fully how much He loves us. When we understand His great love for us, we cannot help but love Him in return. When we love God, our obedience to His will is a natural result.
Keeping these commandments from the second table of the Decalogue will help us have happier relationships with the other inhabitants of Planet Earth:
* Here is protection for family relationships.
* Here is respect for parents and authority. It teaches us as children at the
beginning of the life experience the blessings of parental love for us.
* Here is protection from hatred, which is the opposite of love.
* Here is respect for the sanctity of life, which is sacred in the eyes of God.
We will not violate this precept if we love our neighbor.
* Here is protection from impurity and from the breakup of the sanctity of the
family and home.
* Here is respect and loyalty to our loved ones, and to God.
* Here is protection of the property and possessions that God has given to us.
* Here is respect for our neighbors' well being. Most of the cause of war and
strife is the result of violating this precept.
* Here is protection against slander and libel and lies.
* Here is respect for honesty and truthfulness. Lying lips are an abomination
to God.
* Here is protection against greed and lust.
* Here is respect for contentment, and thanksgiving for the many blessings that
God has given to us.
As we reflect on the principles and protections of these ten precepts, is there a single one we would discard as not in harmony with the way that God wants us to live?
1. Loyalty to God
2. Dedication and worship
3. Reverence
4. Devotion and holiness
5. Respect to parents
6. Sacredness of life
7. Love in the home
8. Respect for the property of others
9. Honesty and truthfulness
10. Contentment for the blessings of God
The presence of the life of God in our lives means the presence of the law of God in our hearts.
These precepts, spoken by God Himself, and written by His own finger, are set apart from the ceremonial laws and ordinances that ceased when Christ died. They are everlasting principles that reflect the character of God and are the foundation of His government. People everywhere would do well to honor and respect what God has spoken.
Not one of these principles is dispensable. Each is given for our supreme benefit. But only in the character of our Lord Jesus Christ do we see the height and depth and the perfect fulfillment of all these commandments.